Prize: Ben­jamin Os­s­wald re­ceives Ed­mund Outslay Out­stand­ing Pa­per Award from the Uni­ver­sity of Illinois for his pa­per Os­s­wald/Sureth-Sloane.

 |  Allgemeines

Benjamin Osswald (Wisconsin School of Business, Madison & DIBT, former PhD student of Caren Sureth-Sloane) received the Edmund Outslay Outstanding Paper Award of the University of Illinois at the Doctoral Consortium of the University of Illinois Symposium on Tax Research in Chicago for the paper Osswald/Sureth-Sloane: Do Country Risk Factors Attenuate the Effect of Taxes on Corporate Risk-Taking? Available at SSRN: 

The paper, which is part of the Collaborative Research Centre TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency, is devoted to the analysis of the relationship between political and fiscal country risks, taxes and the willingness to make risky (innovative) investments.