Our Mission

Welcome to the Chair of Management Information Systems and Operations Research (MISOR)!

The focus of our research and teaching is on mathematical optimisation models, quantitative methods and decision support systems in companies and organisations. We use high-performance computers to solve particularly difficult and computationally intensive decision-making problems.

„Being able to solve a problem as quickly as possible to optimality is a useless skill if the wrong problem has been solved.”

Prof. Dr. Guido Schryen,



The art­icle „ A two-level ap­proach for multi-ob­ject­ive flex­ible job shop schedul­ing and en­ergy pro­cure­ment“ ac­cep­ted for Pub­lic­a­tion in…

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The art­icle „A Memet­ic NSGA-III for Green Flex­ible Pro­duc­tion with Real-Time En­ergy Costs & Emis­sions“ ac­cep­ted for Pub­lic­a­tion in…

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Art­icle "Ex­plor­ing the Scope of Gen­er­at­ive AI in Lit­er­at­ure Re­view De­vel­op­ment" ac­cep­ted for Pub­lic­a­tion in Elec­tron­ic Mar­kets

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Ar­t­ic­le "Par­al­lel Branch-and-Price Al­gorithms for the Single Ma­chine Total Weighted Tardi­ness Schedul­ing Prob­lem with Se­quence-De­pend­ent…

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Job ad­vert­ise­ments for the FlexLabQuart­i­er re­search pro­ject

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Our Re­search

Our research focuses on carpool management, infrastructure planning for energy networks and electric bus systems, humanitarian logistics and liner shipping.

Our Teach­ing

We offer lectures, tutorials, seminars, lab projects and theses on Operations Research topics at Bachelor's, Master's and PhD level.


The Social & Data-Intensive Computing Lab (soda.lab) offers students the technical infrastructure to carry out their own data- and computation-intensive research and teaching projects in the fields of Data Science, Social Computing and Operations Research.


08.06.2022 - 08.06.2022

Guest present­a­tion by As­so­ci­ate Prof. Maur­i­cio Mor­rone in the PRIME Sem­in­ar on June 8, 2022

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26.03.2020 - 27.03.2020

CON­FER­ENCE POST­PONED! 2nd In­ter­na­tion­al Work­shop on High-Per­form­ance Busi­ness Com­put­ing and GOR-B-Busi­ness In­form­at­ics-Con­fer­ence …

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16.10.2019 - 16.10.2019

Chan­cen und Risiken der Di­git­al­is­ier­ung: Ge­mein­same An­tritt­s­vor­le­sung von Prof. Dr. Oliv­er Müller, Prof. Dr. Guido Schryen und Prof. Dr.…

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Our Team

You can find information about our current team members, including their teaching and research activities, on the team page. If you are interested in joining our research group as a student assistant (SHK, WHB) or as a research associate or doctoral candidate, take a look at our job offers!

Con­tact: Sec­ret­ary's of­fice

Carina Uhde

Management Information Systems and Operations Research

Room Q2.460
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

Office hours


Office hours Tuesday-Thursday (by appointment only).

On Mondays and Fridays I am out of office as part of my mobile work but you can contact me by phone or email.

If you wish to submit documents you can use my postbox No. 26 in the basement Q0 (opposite Deans Secretary Office Q0.210).