Teach­ing Award of the Fac­ulty of Busi­ness Ad­min­is­tra­tion and Eco­nom­ics for spe­cial com­mit­ment to teach­ing for Prof Dr Oliv­er Müller and his team!

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Lehrpreis der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften für besonderes Engagement in der Lehre

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics awards the Teaching Prize for Lecturers in recognition of outstanding achievements in teaching. The award is intended to create positive incentives to engage in good university teaching and contribute to strengthening the quality of teaching and studies at Paderborn University.  As the 2020 Teaching Prize could not be awarded last year due to the pandemic, it was awarded for two years this year.

Due to the large number of nominations and the special circumstances caused by the pandemic, it was decided at short notice to award prizes in three different teaching and study-related categories.

Prof. Dr. Oliver Müller and his team from the Department of Information Systems received an award for their special commitment to the development and implementation of a comprehensive teaching concept on the Day of Economics. Within a short period of time, Prof. Dr. Oliver Müller and his team have made it possible to integrate the differentiated teaching portfolio offered in Information Systems into a comprehensive innovative didactic concept that now enables participants to understand even complex contexts well. Unfortunately, Mr. Müller was unable to attend the event to receive the award in person.

Further information on all awards can be found in the Press Release (German).
