New pub­lic­a­tion "Can the mar­ket identi­fy pros­per­ous act­iv­ists en­gage­ments? Evid­ence from an­nounce­ments and long-term buy-and-hold…

New publication from Prof. Dr. Sönke Sievers, Prof. Dr. Matthias Pelster and Dr. Jochen Hartmann: "Can the market identify prosperous activist engagements? Evidence from announcement and long-term buy-and-hold returns" in Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. The publication you can find here.

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Get2­Know Grant Thornton

At 27th April 2023 a Get2Know with Grant Thornton will take place in Düsseldorf. Further information you can find here. For your registration please use the following link:

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Pub­lic­a­tion: Foch­mann, Heine­mann-Heile, Huber, Maiterth, Sureth-Sloane: Zus­atzkos­ten der Be­steuer­ung – Eine Ana­lyse des steuer­lichen…

Fochmann, Martin, Heinemann-Heile, Vanessa, Huber, Hans-Peter, Maiterth, Ralf, Sureth-Sloane, Caren (2023): Zusatzkosten der Besteuerung – Eine Analyse des steuerlichen Verwaltungsaufwands und der subjektiv wahrgenommenen Steuerbelastung, Steuer und Wirtschaft, forthcoming.

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Ter­mine Ein­führungs­ver­an­stal­tun­gen - SoSe 2023 - Prof. Dr. Uhde

Hier finden Sie die Termine für die Einführungsveranstaltungen der folgenden Module: M.184.3270 "Finanzwirtschaft": Di., 04.04.2023; 10-11 Uhr; H4 M.184.2248 & M.184.4248 "25 Minute Papers (BA/MA)": Di., 04.04.2023; 17-18 Uhr; Q5.245 M.184.5204 "Seminar zur Bankwirtschaft": Mo., 03.04.2023; 15-16 Uhr; Q5.245 M.184.4276 "Bankwirtschaft": Di., 04.04.2023; 12-13 Uhr; H1 M.184.3272 "ESG bei Finanzdienstleistern. Das Management der Dimensionen…

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New Uni­ver­sity Coun­cil of Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

The new University Council was approved by the Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia. On this occasion, the committee met on 3 March. The new University Council consists of Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn, Dr. Soreen Hartmann, Dr.-Ing. Steffen Jesinghausen, Dr. Dagmar Simon (chairman), Prof. Dr. Rita Burrichter, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Brautmeier (vice chairman), Prof. Dr. Urska Kosi, Dr. Holger Karl and Andreas Speith. It consists…

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UGO-Pre­is an Linda Schön­ber­ger: "Ver­gleich der Maße zur Bestim­mung der Kreditrisiken in Banken: Value at Risk versus Ex­pec­ted Short­fall"

In diesem Jahr geht der UGO-Hochschulpreis für eine exzellente Masterarbeit an Frau Linda Schönberger. Ausgezeichnet wird ihre am Lehrstuhl für Bank- und Finanzwirtschaft (Prof. Dr. A. Uhde) der Universität Paderborn betreute Arbeit mit dem Titel „Vergleich der Maße zur Bestimmung der Kreditrisiken in Banken: Value at Risk versus Expected Shortfall“.  Wir gratulieren Frau Schönberger recht herzlich zu dieser besonderen Auszeichnung durch die…

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Pub­lic­a­tion: Greil, Overesch, Rohlf­ing-Basti­an, Schreiber, Sureth-Sloane: To­wards an Amended Arm´s Length Prin­ciple - Tack­ling Com­plex­ity…

Greil, Stefan, Overesch, Michael, Rohlfing-Bastian, Anna, Schreiber, Ulrich, Sureth-Sloane, Caren (2023): Towards an Amended Arm´s Length Principle - Tackling Complexity and Implementing Destination Rules in Transfer Pricing, Intertax, 51 (4), 272-289.

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Dr. Chris­ti­an So­filkan­itsch: Vis­it­ing Re­search at Columbia Busi­ness School, New York City, USA

Dr. Christian Sofilkanitsch, a member of the TRR 266 “Accounting for Transparency”, stays at Columbia Business School, New York, as a visiting researcher for four months (from February 15th to June 15th, 2023). His stay allows Dr. Sofilkanitsch to progress in his current research and to network with other researchers in the accounting field. The resources established by TRR 266 “Accounting for Transparency” significantly contributes to the…

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Re­search As­sist­ant (f/m/d) wanted

The Faculty of Economics at the Paderborn University has a vacancy for a research assistant (f/m/d) at the Chair of Tax Accounting (Prof. Dr. Jens Müller).

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Present­a­tion: Car­en Sureth-Sloane: Steuer­wirkun­gen in un­sicher­en Zeiten, Sci­entif­ic Meet­ing of the North Rhine-West­phali­an Academy of…

On February 8th, 2023, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Caren Sureth-Sloane gives a presentation on „Steuerwirkungen in unsicheren Zeiten“ at the scientific meeting of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts in Düsseldorf.

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ACT Brown­bag Series: Maryna Gu­lenko "CSR and polit­ic­al in­siders"

As part of the ACT Brownbag Series, Maryna Gulenko (M.Sc.) gave a presentation titled "CSR and political insiders" on Feburary 07, 2023, which was organised by the Institute for Accounting, Auditing and Analysis and the Institute for Accounting and Control at the LMU Munich.

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Job of­fer for a re­search as­sist­ant (f/m/d)

The professorship of Financial Accounting and Auditing Prof. Dr. Kosi has a vacancy for a Research and Teaching Assistant (f/m/d). Further information can be found here.

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Guest lec­ture by Thor­sten Schrimpf from Grant Thornton

On Friday (February, 3rd 2023) at 14.15 in P 7. 2.01  Thorsten Schrimpf (Partner) from Grant Thornton will give a guest lecture (in German) on "Analyse und Prüfung des Lageberichts" in the module "Financial Accounting 2".

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Pub­lic­a­tion: Koch, Holt­mann, Giese: Losses Nev­er Sleep – The Ef­fect of Tax Loss Off­set on Stock Mar­ket Re­turns dur­ing Eco­nom­ic Crises,…

Koch, Reinald, Holtmann, Svea, Giese, Henning (2023): Losses Never Sleep – The Effect of Tax Loss Offset on Stock Market Returns during Economic Crises, Journal of Business Economics, 93 (1-2), 59-109, doi:

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Present­a­tion at the Work­shop “Be­ha­vi­or­ally ori­ented sus­tain­ab­il­ity re­search: Ap­proaches from dif­fer­ent dis­cip­lines”

As part of a two-day workshop, Prof. Dr. Urska Kosi gave a presentation on the topic: "CSR reporting under the Non-Financial Reporting Directive: Evidence from non-publicly listed firms". Maryna Gulenko (M.Sc.) also participated in the workshop. The workshop "Behaviourally oriented sustainability research: Approaches from different disciplines" was organised by Prof. Dr. Günter W. Maier at the Bielefeld University on January 19, 2023 and January…

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