Pub­lic­a­tion: Koch, Holt­mann, Giese: Losses Nev­er Sleep – The Ef­fect of Tax Loss Off­set on Stock Mar­ket Re­turns dur­ing Eco­nom­ic Crises,…

Koch, Reinald, Holtmann, Svea, Giese, Henning (2023): Losses Never Sleep – The Effect of Tax Loss Offset on Stock Market Returns during Economic Crises, Journal of Business Economics, 93 (1-2), 59-109, doi:

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Present­a­tion at the Work­shop “Be­ha­vi­or­ally ori­ented sus­tain­ab­il­ity re­search: Ap­proaches from dif­fer­ent dis­cip­lines”

As part of a two-day workshop, Prof. Dr. Urska Kosi gave a presentation on the topic: "CSR reporting under the Non-Financial Reporting Directive: Evidence from non-publicly listed firms". Maryna Gulenko (M.Sc.) also participated in the workshop. The workshop "Behaviourally oriented sustainability research: Approaches from different disciplines" was organised by Prof. Dr. Günter W. Maier at the Bielefeld University on January 19, 2023 and January…

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Present­a­tion: Hen­ning Giese: Tax com­plex­ity, tax de­part­ment struc­ture, and tax risk, TRR Brown Bag 2023, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of…

On January 26th, 2023, Dr. Henning Giese gives a presentation on „Tax complexity, tax department structure, and tax risk“ at the TRR Brown Bag 2023 at the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management.

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Gastvor­trag von Her­rn Dr. C. Far­rug­gio (De­loitte Düs­sel­dorf) im Rah­men des Mod­uls „Bank­wirtschaft“ (Prof. A. Uhde)

Am 24.01.2023 hielt Herr Dr. Christian Farruggio, Senior Manager, Risk Advisory, Deloitte GmbH Düsseldorf, im Rahmen des Moduls "Bankwirtschaft" von Prof. André Uhde einen Vortrag zum Thema: „CRR III“:  Wesentliche Änderungen und ihre Implikationen für die Kreditwirtschaft im Überblick Der Vortrag fand am 24.1.2023 von 17:30 - 18:30 Uhr im Hörsaal H1 statt. Alle Interessierten waren herzlich eingeladen.

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TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Daniel Dyck: "In­vest­ments in Tax Com­pli­ance Man­age­ment Sys­tems and Stra­tegic Tax Audits"

As part of the Brown Bag Seminars, Daniel Dyck gave a presentation on January 24, 2023, on the topic "Investments in Tax Compliance Management Systems and Strategic Tax Audits".

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Stel­lenaus­s­chreibung Coach für PKT im Rah­men des TAF-Mod­uls

Liebe Studierenden,  der Lehrstuhl für Produktionsmanagemanagement und Controlling sucht im Rahmen des TAF-Moduls im SS23 Coaches für das Teilmodul Produktons- und Kostentheorie. Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte der Stellenausschreibung.  Wir freuen uns auf Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung!

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TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Re­gina Ort­mann: "Ef­fects of in­creas­ing tax trans­par­ency on tax com­pet­i­tion and avoid­ance"

As part of the Brown Bag Seminars, Regina Ortmann gave a presentation on January 17, 2023, on the topic "Effects of increasing tax transparency on tax competition and avoidance".

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TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Se­basti­an Hinder: "Me­dia At­ten­tion & Tax Vi­ol­a­tions: (When) Does the Press Care?"

As part of the Brown Bag Seminars, Sebastian Hinder gave a presentation on January 17, 2023, on the topic "Media Attention & Tax Violations: (When) Does the Press Care?".

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Pub­lic­a­tion: Bay­er, Engl­maier, Riphahn, Schmidt-Den­gler, Son­dergeld, Sureth-Sloane, von Wan­gen­heim, Weiz­säck­er: Be­ste Be­din­gun­gen für…

Bayer, Christian, Englmaier, Florian, Riphahn, Regina, Schmidt-Dengler, Philipp, Sondergeld, Virginia, Sureth-Sloane, Caren, von Wangenheim, Jonas, Weizsäcker, Georg (2023): Beste Bedingungen für junge Ökonominnen und Ökonomen? Neue Daten und Empfehlungen der Arbeitsgruppe “Nachwuchs” im Verein für Socialpolitik, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, doi:

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Liebe Studierenden,  der Lehrstuhl für Produktionsmanagemanagement und Controlling sucht motivierte Studierende im Master-Studium oder fortgeschrittenen Bachelor-Studium. Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte der Stellenausschreibung.  Wir freuen uns auf Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung!

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Job ad­vert­ise­ment | TAF BWL SoSe 2023 | Tu­tors & Coaches

For the summer semester 2023, we are looking for committed students to accompany the assessment phase module Taxation, Accounting & Finance as tutor or coach (f/m/d).

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Ab­sage: Gastvor­trag von Frau Dr. A. Her­rmann (Ev. Bank eG) im Rah­men des Mod­uls „Fin­an­zwirtschaft“ (Prof. A. Uhde)

Leider muss der Gastvortrag von Frau Dr. Astrid Herrmann abgesagt werden.

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TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Pia Stoczek: "The ef­fect of cor­por­ate quant­it­at­ive eas­ing on syn­dic­ated lend­ing"

As part of the Brown Bag Seminars, Pia Stoczek gave a presentation on January 10, 2023, on the topic "The effect of corporate quantitative easing on syndicated lending".

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An in­ter­est­ing in­tern­ship abroad

It is important to consolidate the knowledge you have learned through practical application during your studies. There are many different possibilities, and one of them is an internship abroad, as our former colleague Anna-Lena Happe is currently doing in Copenhagen. The IBS student started looking for an internship in digital marketing on LinkedIn. Within a short time and a total of two online interviews, she received an acceptance letter from a…

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Work­ing Pa­per: Shabe­stari, Safaei: Changes in Trans­fer Pri­cing Reg­u­la­tions and Cor­por­ate In­vest­ment De­cisions, TAF

Shabestari, Mehrzad Azmi, Safaei, Reyhaneh (2022): Changes in Transfer Pricing Regulations and Corporate Investment Decisions, TAF Working Paper No. 80.

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