News from our pro­fess­or­ship

News - re­search, present­a­tions, teach­ing and gen­er­al in­form­a­tion

On October 16th, 2019, Reyhaneh Safaei presents on the topic "Is the Quality of Risk-Based Tax Audit Rewarded?" at the TAF Brown Bag Seminar of the WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management in Vallendar.

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Hoppe, Thomas, Schanz, Deborah, Sturm, Susann, Sureth-Sloane, Caren (2019): Measuring Tax Complexity Across Countries: A Survey Study on MNCs, TRR 266 Working Paper Series No. 5, WU International Taxation Research Paper Series No. 2019-06, arqus, Quantitative Research in Taxation, Discussion Paper No. 245,, and TAF Working Paper No. 47. Available at SSRN:

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As part of the Collaborative Research Center “Accounting for Transparency” the TRR 266 Welcome Courses will take place from October 7 to October 9, 2019 at Paderborn University. This course addresses to doctoral researchers and postdocs to gain a systematic overview of academic research in the area of taxation and accounting. The TRR 266 Welcome Courses will be continued from October 10, 2019 to October 11, 2019 at Humboldt University of Berlin,…

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Benjamin Osswald (Wisconsin School of Business, Madison & DIBT, former PhD student of Caren Sureth-Sloane) received the Edmund Outslay Outstanding Paper Award of the University of Illinois at the Doctoral Consortium of the University of Illinois Symposium on Tax Research in Chicago for the paper Osswald/Sureth-Sloane: Do Country Risk Factors Attenuate the Effect of Taxes on Corporate Risk-Taking? Available at SSRN:…

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On September 26th, Benjamin Osswald gives a presentation on "Do Country Risk Factors Attenuate the Effect of Taxes on Corporate Risk-Taking" at the University of Illinois Tax Doctoral Consortium IV in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

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On September 19th, 2019, Caren Sureth-Sloane gives a presentation on "Steuerkomplexität und Steuerrisiken: Herausforderungen der Steuerfunktion in einem sich wandelnden Umfeld" at the 73rd Deutscher Betriebswirtschafter-Tag in Düsseldorf. 

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On September 13th, 2019, Adrian Schipp gives a presentation on "Treiber von Steuerkomplexität aus Sicht der Finanzverwaltungen" at the Faculty Research Workshop Business Administration and Economics of the University of Paderborn in Melle.

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How can enterprises benefit from the many data streams? And what changes face the finance function and thus also tax departments, accountancy and controlling? These and other questions are answered by Caren Sureth-Sloane and Stefan Asenkerschbaumer (Bosch) in the 9th September 2019 edition of the F.A.Z. F.A.Z., Aus Daten müssen Informationen werden, 09.09.2019, No. 209, p. 18.

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