News from our pro­fess­or­ship

News - re­search, present­a­tions, teach­ing and gen­er­al in­form­a­tion

The exceptional situation caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus is currently causing serious liquidity problems for many companies. Tax experts from our TRR 266 have analyzed different tax approaches to provide liquidity support for German companies. You will find their summary and proposed measures here.  

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Lagarden, Martin, Schreiber, Ulrich, Simons, Dirk, Sureth-Sloane, Caren et al. (2020): Country-by-Country Reporting Goes Public – Cui Bono?, International Transfer Pricing Journal, 27 (2), 91-97. 

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Eberhartinger, Eva and Speitmann, Raffael and Sureth-Sloane, Caren (2021), Banks’ tax disclosure, financial secrecy, and tax haven heterogeneity, WU International Taxation Research Paper Series No. #2020-01 , Available at SSRN:

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On February 19th 2020, Prof. Dr. Caren Sureth-Sloane gives a presentation on "Steuerkomplexität: Herausforderung für Unternehmen und Fiskus? Befunde, Analysen und Wirkungen" at the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts in Düsseldorf.

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On January 28th, 2020, Prof. Beatriz García Osma presents at the TAF Research Seminar on the topic "Not Just a Boys' Club: Gender and Private Information Channels for Insider Trading".  The seminar takes place in room Q5.245 from 2-4 p.m.

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Spannende Einblicke in die Praxis: Der Gastvortrag von Patrick Zabel, Bereichsvorstand Finanzen und Personal der Voltabox AG, kam bei Studierenden und Forschenden gut an.

Spannende Einblicke in die Praxis: Patrick Zabel, Bereichsvorstand Finanzen und Personal der Voltabox AG, sprach im Rahmen der „TRR 266 Lecture Series“ mit Studierenden sowie mit Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlerin der Universität Paderborn über Transaktionen im Unternehmensbereich – und berichtete dabei aus seinem eigenen Berufsalltag. Was sich bei einem Unternehmenskauf zwischen den einzelnen Parteien abspielt, bleibt der…

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Hoppe, Thomas (2020): Tax Complexity in Australia - A Survey-Based Comparison to the OECD Average, TRR 266 Working Paper Series No. 14 (2020), arqus, Quantitative Research in Taxation, Discussion Paper No. 251,, and TAF Working Paper No. 50. Available at SSRN: 

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Hoppe, Thomas, Schanz, Deborah, Sturm, Susann, Sureth-Sloane, Caren, Voget, Johannes (2020): The Relation between Tax Complexity and Foreign Direct Investments: Evidence Across Countries, TRR 266 Working Paper Series No. 13, WU International Taxation Research Paper Series No. 2020-03, arqus, Quantitative Research in Taxation, Discussion Paper No. 250,, and TAF Working Paper No. 49. Available at SSRN:…

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