Na­chricht­en - Forschung / Vorträge

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TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar On April 18, 2023, Nathan Goldman (NC State University) presented the paper "Executive Compensation and Income Tax Rate Progression" at the TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar. Nathan Goldman, Ph.D. is an associate professor and University Faculty Scholar whose teaching and research interest focus on corporate taxation. His research has been published in renowned journals such as the Journal of Accounting and Economics, Th…

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Giese, Henning, Holtmann, Svea (2023): Towards Green Driving – Income Tax Incentives for Plug-In Hybrids, TRR 266 Working Paper Series No. 118. Available at SSRN:

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Fochmann, Martin, Heinemann-Heile, Vanessa, Huber, Hans-Peter, Maiterth, Ralf, Sureth-Sloane, Caren (2023): Zusatzkosten der Besteuerung – Eine Analyse des steuerlichen Verwaltungsaufwands und der subjektiv wahrgenommenen Steuerbelastung, Steuer und Wirtschaft, forthcoming.

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Greil, Stefan, Overesch, Michael, Rohlfing-Bastian, Anna, Schreiber, Ulrich, Sureth-Sloane, Caren (2023): Towards an Amended Arm´s Length Principle - Tackling Complexity and Implementing Destination Rules in Transfer Pricing, Intertax, 51 (4), 272-289.

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On February 8th, 2023, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Caren Sureth-Sloane gives a presentation on „Steuerwirkungen in unsicheren Zeiten“ at the scientific meeting of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts in Düsseldorf.

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Koch, Reinald, Holtmann, Svea, Giese, Henning (2023): Losses Never Sleep – The Effect of Tax Loss Offset on Stock Market Returns during Economic Crises, Journal of Business Economics, 93 (1-2), 59-109, doi:

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On January 26th, 2023, Dr. Henning Giese gives a presentation on „Tax complexity, tax department structure, and tax risk“ at the TRR Brown Bag 2023 at the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management.

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As part of the Brown Bag Seminars, Daniel Dyck gave a presentation on January 24, 2023, on the topic "Investments in Tax Compliance Management Systems and Strategic Tax Audits".

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