Gen­er­al In­form­a­tion

Wie reagieren Privatinvestor*innen auf den Ausbruch von COVID-19? Expert*innen, Politiker*innen und Medien zeichnen bislang ein uneinheitliches Bild von den wirtschaftlichen Folgen der Corona-Krise. Auch Reaktionen von individuellen Markteilnehmer*innen sind nur schwer prognostizierbar. Jun. Prof. Regnina Ortmann, Ph.D, Jun. Prof. Dr. Matthias Pelster und Dr. Sascha Tobias Wengerek kommen zu dem Ergebnis, dass Investor*innen seit Ausbruch der…

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Due to the corona crisis, this year's Paderborn Easter run, like all events in public life, could not take place. The employees of the tax professorships showed team spirit and supported the good cause with their PaderbornerOsterSOLOLOlauf. The Sparkasse Paderborn-Detmold donates €10 per runner and a total of €75,000 to organizations in the region that care for the homeless and provide food for the people in need.

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This year the "Teaching Award of the Faculty of Economics for special commitment in teaching" at Paderborn University is awarded to Jun.-Prof. Regina Ortmann. The basis for the award of the teaching prize for Jun.-Prof. Regina Ortmann is her conception and realisation of the module "Transfer pricing in the field of tension between control and taxation". The module combines the two disciplines of taxation and controlling. This can be seen both in…

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On September 27th, 2019 Jun.-Prof. Regina Ortmann, Ph.D. participates in the “Sixteenth Symposium on Tax Research” organized by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Deloitte Tax LLP. The goal of the Symposium is to bring together scholars, practitioners, and regulators working on current issues in taxation.

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On August 15th – 16th,  2019.Jun.-Prof. Regina Ortmann, Ph.D. participates in the conference "Accounting Summer Camp " at the Stanford Graduate School of Business

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On August 2nd - 3rd, 2019 Jun.-Prof. Regina Ortmann, Ph.D. participates in the conference "Theory and Inference in Accounting Research" at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

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From July to November 2019 Regina Ortmann is on a research stay at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, USA.

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The chair for International Business Taxation of Jun.-Prof. Regina Ortmann, Ph.D., is looking for a new research assistant starting at the next possible date. For further information, please click here. 

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Since October 9th, 2017 Jun.-Prof. Regina Ortmann, Ph.D. holds the junior professorship for International Business Taxation. From the beginning of the winter term 2017/2018 Regina Ortmann will complement the teaching offer of the department 2.

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TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Vanessa Heile: "Firm­s’ Tax (Bur­den) Mis­per­cep­tion​​​​​​​"

As part of the Brown Bag Seminars, Vanessa Heile gave a presentation on the topic "Firms’ Tax (Burden) Misperception"  on June 1, 2021.

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As part of the Brown Bag Seminars, Sonja Warkulat gave a presentation on the topic "Impact of security failures on trading behavior on cryptocurrency exchanges" on May 25, 2021.

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TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar On 18 May 2021, Professor Dr. Stacie Laplante (University of Wisconsin-Madison, U.S.) presented at the TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar on the topic "Just BEAT It" - Do firms reclassify costs to avoid the base erosion and anti-abuse tax (BEAT) of the TCJA?. This paper is joint work with Christina M. Lewellen (North Carolina State University, U.S.), Daniel P. Lynch (University of Wisconsin-Madison, U.S.) and David M. P.…

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TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Se­basti­an Hinder: "Me­dia At­ten­tion & Tax Avoid­ance"

As part of the Brown Bag Seminars, Sebastian Hinder gave a presentation on the topic "Media Attention & Tax Avoidance" on May 11, 2021.

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TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar On 04 May 2021, Prof. Dr. Reinald Koch (Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt) presented at the TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar on the topic "The effect of tax department structure on tax avoidance and tax risk". This paper is joint work with Henning Giese (Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt). Since 2015, Prof. Dr. Reinald Koch holds the Chair for “Business Administration and Business Taxation” at the…

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TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar On 20 April 2021, Maximilian Zieser (Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria) and Professor Dr. Eva Eberhartinger (Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria) presented at the TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar on the topic "The Future of Tax Audits? The Acceptance of Online-Based, Automated Tax Audits and their Effects on Trust and Power". This paper is a joint work with Paul Brezina (Vienna…

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On Feburary 24th, 2021, Regina Ortmann gives a presentation on "Income Shifting and Management Incentives" at the Business Research Seminar at the University of Tübingen.

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TAF Research Seminar Am 19. Januar 2021 hielt  Dan Amiram (Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University) im Rahmen des TAF Research Seminars einen Vortrag zum Thema "The Relevance of Relationship Lending in Times of Crisis". Dan Amiram ist Professor an der Coller School of Management der Universität Tel Aviv. Er promovierte an der Universität North Carolina und besitzt zudem einen Master in Economics von der Ben-Gurion University. Er lehrte…

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Ortmann, Regina, Pelster, Matthias, Wengerek, Sascha Tobias (2020): COVID-19 and Investor Behavior, Financial Research Letters.

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On June 4th, 2020, Regina Ortmann gives a presentation on "Income Shifting and Management Incentives" at the 6th Berlin-Vallendar Tax Conference.  

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On Monday, December 10th, 2018, Professor Dr. Christoph Spengel gives a practical lecture in the course business and corporate taxation "Die größten Steuerräuber Deutschlands: Cum/Ex, Cum/Cum und Cum/Fake". The guest lecture takes place in lecture hall O1 at 4 p.m.

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Guest Lec­ture in the course Busi­ness and Cor­por­ate Tax­a­tion, Mi­chael Diehl, Laura Bienek, KP­MG AG

On November 12th, 2018, tax advisor Michael Diehl and Laura Bienek give a practical lecture in the course Business and Corporate Taxation. The guest lecture takes place in lecture room P7.2.01 at 4 p.m.

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On Monday, November 27th, 2017 tax advisor Michael Diehl and Laura Schramm give a practical lecture. "Wohlverhalten im Steuerrecht - Von internationaler Steuerplanung über Paradise Papers bis Tax CMS". The guest lecture takes place in lecture room P7 2.03 from 4 pm to 6 pm.

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