Present­a­tion at the in­aug­ur­al ce­re­mony of the Pader­born Re­search Cen­ter for Sus­tain­able Eco­nomy (PAR­SEC)

 |  Forschung - Research  |  Forschung Nachhaltigkeit

On 7th June 2024, Pia Stoczek, along with colleagues from the TAF department at Paderborn University, Yuri Piper, Patrick Marcel Pradella, and Dr. Henning Giese, participated in the poster session of the inaugural ceremony of the Paderborn Research Center for Sustainable Economy (PARSEC).

Pia Stoczek presented a poster titled "That's (in)credible: Disclosure on green bond sections" as part of the event. The research investigates whether establishing green sections on European stock exchanges can reduce information asymmetries and improve trading in the secondary market. The preliminary findings indicate differences in disclosure practices between green bonds included in these sections and those not.

This innovative study contributes to a deeper understanding of how financial markets can be shaped by sustainability considerations. We look forward to sharing more about this exciting research project in the future.