Ak­tu­el­les der Pro­fes­sur für Mi­kro­öko­no­mie

Hier finden Sie Aktuelles aus der Professur für Mikroökonomie.


We are very happy to share the following news: Dr. Simon Hoof successfully defended his thesis on „Essays on Cooperation in Differential Games“ on Friday. Congratulations!

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Our newest member Kathrin has officially begun her employment as a student assistant at the Chair of Microeconomics this month. She already demonstrated great knowledge and charisma as a tutor and we are looking forward to working and spending time together. With that being said, let's get to know her: I decided to work at the Chair of Microeconomics because… … I really enjoyed working with parts of the team before as a tutor for Microeconomics.…

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Seizing the opportunity to exchange current research results and new ideas with our international colleagues despite the current situation, the Chair of Microeconomics participated in the Fourteenth International Conference on Game Theory and Management (GTM2020) which took place fully virtual for the first time this year. In the context of Game Theory und Management, our research assistant Thomas Streck contributed to the discussion with his…

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