Pu­bli­ca­ti­on of the Spe­ci­al Is­sue “Bar­gai­ning” guest-edi­ted by Claus-Jo­chen Haa­ke and Wal­ter Tro­ckel in the Sprin­ger jour­nal Ho­mo Oe­co­no­mi­cus

A Special Issue on "Bargaining", guest-edited by Claus-Jochen Haake and Walter Trockel, has been published in the Springer journal Homo Oeconomicus. You can read the whole issue here: bit.ly/3r0cJod

The introduction refers to the different topics on bargaining theory covered in the issue and emphasizes the cross-links between them. You can read the editorial here: https://bit.ly/34lBlOh

If you would like to read more publications of the Chair of Microeconomic, you can find them here: https://en.wiwi.uni-paderborn.de/dep4/haake/research/publications