News from the Chair of Mi­croe­co­nom­ics

Here you can find news from the Chair of Microeconomics.


Simon Hoof published the paper "On a class of linear-state differential games with subgame individually rational and time consistent bargaining solutions" in the Journal of Mechanism and Institution Design 5 (1). Abstract: We consider n-person pure bargaining games in which the space of feasible payoffs is constructed via a normal form differential game. At the beginning of the game the agents bargain over strategies to be played over an…

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Simon Hoof published the paper "Equilibrium Coalition Structures of Differential Games in Partition Function Form" in the Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games, vol 17. Abstract: The purpose of the paper is twofold: we show (i) how to compute a partition function for differential games and (ii) how to derive stable coalition structures. (i) The partition function assigns a worth to each coalition under a given coalition…

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Currently, most members of the Chair of Microeconomics are working from home and, although this is often hard, all of us respect the necessity to reduce personal contact at university as much as possible. In particular office hours are solely conducted online via video conferencing. Please send an email directly to the team member you would like to talk to. Students from our modules "Methods of Economic Analyses" and "Game Theory" please consider…

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