Ak­tu­el­les der Pro­fes­sur für Mi­kro­öko­no­mie

Hier finden Sie Aktuelles aus der Professur für Mikroökonomie.


Establishing its new Center for Sustainable Economics, the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics is expanding its faculty-wide activities on sustainability – the long-term oriented economic development with a special consideration of social, environmental and cultural phenomena. The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics thus addresses one of the central challenges of this and future generations. In its thematic focus, the…

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We are more than happy to announce that the Chair of Microeconomics has been awarded the "Lehrpreis für besonderes Engagement in der Lehre 2021" (Teaching award for special commitment in teaching 2021) for its efforts in digital teaching at the "Tag der Wirtschaftswissenschaften 2021".  Our aim was to design our courses in a way that allows students to achieve success in their learning despite the pandemic. In cooperation with the faculty's…

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Dear students, taking into consideration the uncertainty about the further development of the Corona pandemic, we cannot yet give a definite statement about how we will organize the next semester. However, we would like to express our ambition in providing as much as many on-site lessons as possible. Moreover, knowing that it might be difficult for some students to switch between online and on-site classrooms at short notice, we will…

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