Pader­born Uni­ver­sity Circle (PHK) e. V.

The network of Paderborn economists

The Paderborn University Circle (PHK) e. V. was founded in 1979 and is the alumni association of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Paderborn University. With well over 30 years of association history and more than 550 members, the PHK is one of the oldest and largest associations at Paderborn University.

The main aim of the PHK is to promote and expand dialogue with our graduates. We provide regular information about developments in the faculty - e.g. through the biannual PHK newsletter. In addition, we invite you to return to your faculty for alumni reunions and to meet your professors and fellow students on this occasion.

In addition, the PHK is a sponsors' association that promotes research and teaching in the field of economics both ideally and materially and supports the intensification of the connection between science and business. The members thus make an active contribution to supporting current students and the faculty.

We invite you to participate and actively shape the profile of our faculty for the future. The PHK thrives on the interest of its members in an exchange. We would like to encourage you to cultivate and expand this exchange of ideas and experiences from the professional world.

Become part of our network, we look forward to meeting you!

„Alle Menschen, die an der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften studiert, gearbeitet oder in sonst einer Weise gewirkt haben, sich der Fakultät verbunden fühlen oder an einem Austausch mit der Fakultät interessiert sind, sind im PHK stets herzlich willkommen!”

Prof. Dr. Jens Müller,
1. Vorsitzender des Paderborner Hochschulkreises e. V.

Our mis­sion



We facilitate active contact and exchange between Paderborn economists.



We strengthen the bond between WiWi graduates and their Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.



We support economic research and teaching.



We promote the connection between science and business.

Club activ­it­ies

The association's funds are currently being used in particular to support the faculty's students with offers. In addition to regular participation in information events for students, we support students with working materials (e.g. calculators for first-semester students), support chairs in organising additional events (e.g. practical workshops on management and leadership, Lunch with the Expert or Insights Praxis) and award scholarships to students of our faculty (organised by the StudienfondsOWL).

We regularly inform our members about news at the faculty (newsletter "Warburger Straße 100") and current events (Day of Economics, Business Meets Science). PHK members can be put on the guest list for the exam party on Economics Day and therefore do not have to pay admission. In addition, our members have access to a protected members' area. Every year, we invite members to the association's general meeting.

In the medium and long term, the programme is also to be expanded for the association's other target groups.

Art­icles of As­so­ci­ation

All the general conditions of the Paderborner Hochschulkreis (PHK) e. V. are set out in the statutes.

Fee sched­ule

The schedule of fees contains all information on the annual fees.


In our newsletter we report every six months on the latest news at our faculty.

Be­come a mem­ber

We invite you to participate and actively shape the profile of our, your faculty for the future. The PHK thrives on the interest of its members in an exchange. We would like to encourage you to cultivate and expand this exchange of ideas and experiences from the professional world.

Become a member now

Mem­ber area

In this field, members have the opportunity to view the database. The search functionality in the member directory is only available to current members of the PHK. To log in, you will need the user name and password that you received by e-mail when you registered.

To the member area

The Executive Board

Prof. Dr. Jens Müller

More about the person

Dr. Kostja Siefen

More about the person

Day of Eco­nom­ic Sci­ences

Our graduation ceremony, the Day of Economics, takes place once a year. Graduation certificates are presented and outstanding academic achievements are honoured in a festive setting. The next Economics Day is planned for 16 November 2024.

Learn more


One of the main objectives of the Paderborn University Circle is to improve the study situation of students at our faculty. A scholarship for students, which is funded by alumni, is intended to make this possible. A co-operation with the OWL Study Fund Foundation has been established for this purpose.

Learn more

Ser­vice for gradu­ates

Con­tact us

Paderborner Hochschulkreis e.V.

Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
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