Teaching at the Chair of Business Law, in particular Innovation and Technology Law

The specialisation outlined above is also reflected in the courses offered by the professorship, in particular for the modules

- Intellectual Property Law (from summer semester 2024, Bachelor, previously "Innovation Law"[Master])
- Sustainability in Private and Commercial Law (summer semester, Bachelor),
- Law of Digitalisation and the Data Economy (winter semester, Master; formerly "Technology Law"[Master]) and
- Legal Regulation of Artificial Intelligence (from summer semester 2024, Master).

The professorship is also responsible for basic courses for the Bachelor's degree programmes

- on private commercial law (Grundzüge des Wirtschaftsprivatrechts, WiSe),
- on labour law (Grundzüge des Arbeitsrechts I und II, WiSe and SoSe)
- as well as an interdisciplinary module "Compliance im Unternehmensbereich" (Master, SoSe)

The Chair of German and European Corporate Law in the Department of Business Law offers further legal courses, particularly focussing on corporate law (commercial, corporate, banking and capital market law, as well as European law). A detailed description of the courses offered by the Department of Business Law can be found in the module catalogue available on the website of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.

Teach­ing pro­gramme

Module number Module name Semester ECTS Person responsible
M.184.1601 Fundamentals of Private Commercial Law winter semester 5 Prof. Dr Stefan Müller


Module number Module name Semester ETCS Person responsible
M.184.2606 Fundamentals of Labour Law I winter semester 5 Prof. Dr. Stefan Müller
M.184.2607 Fundamentals of labour law II summer semester 5 Prof. Dr. Stefan Müller
M.184.2610 Fundamentals of intellectual property law summer semester 5 Prof. Dr. Stefan Müller
M.184.2620 Sustainability in private and commercial law summer semester 5 Prof. Dr. Stefan Müller
L.079.09704 (only for faculty EIM)
Legal Foundations for Computer Engineering
winter semester 5 Prof. Dr. Stefan Müller
Module number Module name Semester ETCS Person responsible
M.184.4613 Compliance in the corporate sector summer semester 5 Prof. Dr. Stefan Müller

Law of the data economy and digitalisation

winter semester 5 Prof. Dr. Stefan Müller
M.184.4616 Legal regulation of artificial intelligence summer semester 5 Prof. Dr Stefan Müller


Final theses

The online application phase for theses for the summer semester 2025 via the central allocation procedure runs from 20 January (09:00) to 31 January 2025 (23:59).

The topics include the fields of general private law, labour law, foundation and IT law, technology law, innovation law, compliance in the corporate sector and "demography and law".

Please note the following information:

Since the winter semester 2016/2017, the Department of Law has been participating in the faculty-wide distribution of topics for final theses. Further information can be found here.

Supervision by the Chair of Business Law (Prof. Dr. Stefan Müller) also requires attendance and participation in a preparatory course and colloquium, which is offered to accompany the preparation and processing of a thesis, as well as compliance with the conditions for the processing of Bachelor's and Master's theses compiled by the Chair of Business Law in a guideline.

Prof Dr S. Müller and the academic staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


Formal information on the final theses

Guidelines from the Examinations Office on the electronic submission of theses:

"Students must

  • submit their thesis in PDF/A format
  • on time (it is the receipt of the e-mail in the Examinations Office that counts, not the time of dispatch!)
  • from the address of your university account
  • in one (= 1) e-mail(all recipients in the "To" field)
  • to the examiners (not other persons of the chair, i.e. supervisors or secretariats) via their university e-mail addresses
  • and the responsible clerk of the examination secretariat

to be sent.

Electronic submission replaces the submission of printed versions (examiners can also request these for themselves, but cannot demand them). Those who wish to continue submitting printed versions can do so without also sending an electronic version to the Examination Secretariat. (either - or!)

The (correct) receipt of the thesis is generally not documented by the Examinations Office by e-mail, but in PAUL (under "My examinations" below the thesis). Of course, this is not done around the clock (as is not the case with printed versions), but as quickly as possible during normal office hours.

All this information can be viewed by students and lecturers at https://www.uni-paderborn.de/zv/3-2/sonstiges/abschlussarbeiten/elektronische-abgabe/informationen-elektronische-abgabe."

Students in lecture hall G at Paderborn University.


Studierende eines wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studiengangs an der Universität Paderborn haben grundsätzlich die Möglichkeit, sich andernorts erworbene Prüfungsleistungen beispielsweise einer anderen Hochschule oder im Ausland für im Paderborner Studiengang angebotene Module anerkennen zu lassen.

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