News from the Chair of Mi­croe­co­nom­ics

Here you can find news from the Chair of Microeconomics.


Due to her excellent organizational skills, Stephanie Langenströer has been employed as secretary at the Chair of Microeconomics since 2016. She is probably the first person you will contact in case of problems. Hence, let's get to know her a little bit more: I decided to work at the Chair of Microeconomics because… ...they presented themselves as a down to earth, authentic team with a lot of humour in a modern setting. In a typical day at…

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Even though we do not have any birthdays to announce at the moment, let us continue with our member introductions. This time, we will introduce Sebastian Ostrop who has been working as a student assistant at the Chair of Microeconomics since 2017. Let's get to know him: I decided to work at the Chair of Microeconomics because… ...I developed a keen interest in economic topics during my studies and therefore took many courses offered by our…

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The current pandemic surely impedes the possibility to exchange current research results and new ideas with our international colleagues to some extent. However, it could also enable the community to find new paths to share information via digital channels. Thanks to Emin Karagözoglu, associate professor at Bilkent University, the Chair of Microeconomics could participate at the 4th BEET (Bargaining: Experiments, Empirics, and Theory)…

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