News from the Chair of Mi­croe­co­nom­ics

Here you can find news from the Chair of Microeconomics.


A Special Issue on "Bargaining", guest-edited by Claus-Jochen Haake and Walter Trockel, has been published in the Springer journal Homo Oeconomicus. You can read the whole issue here: The introduction refers to the different topics on bargaining theory covered in the issue and emphasizes the cross-links between them. You can read the editorial here: If you would like to read more publications of the Chair…

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Im Sommersemester 2021 sind mehrere Tutorienstellen zur Unterstützung der Veranstaltungen im Modul W1411-01: "Grundzüge der Volkswirtschaftslehre - Mikroökonomie" für die Dauer von 3 Monaten zu besetzen. Es handelt sich um eine Tätigkeit im Umfang von 9,5 Stunden pro Woche. Weitere Informationen für Interessierte finden sich hier. BEACHTE: Die zuvor angegebene E-Mail Adresse war leider falsch. Bitte senden Sie ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen an…

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Simon Hoof published the paper "On a class of linear-state differential games with subgame individually rational and time consistent bargaining solutions" in the Journal of Mechanism and Institution Design 5 (1). Abstract: We consider n-person pure bargaining games in which the space of feasible payoffs is constructed via a normal form differential game. At the beginning of the game the agents bargain over strategies to be played over an…

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