Further information:

Re­cent Pub­lic­a­tions – Di­git­al Nudge Stack­ing and Back­fir­ing: Un­der­stand­ing Sus­tain­able E-Com­merce Pur­chase De­cisions

The rise of ‘fast fashion’ is a significant contributor to the acceleration of climate change. Albeit more sustainable purchase decisions are possible within the fashion e-commerce context, it raises the question of how to steer consumers towards them. One emerging approach to this question is digital nudging, which Professor Mirbabaie and his colleagues explore in this paper. For their study, they conducted a between-subject online experiment…

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Re­cent pub­lic­a­tions – CYL­ENCE: Strategies and Tools for Cross-Me­dia Re­port­ing, De­tec­tion, and Treat­ment of Cy­ber­bul­ly­ing and Hatespeech…

While private and professional spaces benefit immensely from social media and the opportunities it creates, social media also paves the way for cyber abuse, such as cyberbullying and hate speech. To enhance the preventive and reactive capabilities against this, many countries and organisations deploy Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA). However, with the increasing amount and the varying quality of information disseminated into public channels, their…

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Re­cent pub­lic­a­tions – Aware but not pre­pared: un­der­stand­ing situ­ation­al aware­ness dur­ing the cen­tury flood in Ger­many in 2021

In 2021 intense rainfall in Western Europe led to an unprecedented flash flooding that killed many people. Subsequently, the apparent lack of preparation of either authorities or the broader populace became part of the discussion. As knowledge about people’s awareness of a hazard, its impacts, and possible adaptations can improve hazard management, Professor Mirbabaie and his colleagues used social media data to assess situational awareness,…

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Re­cent pro­jects – CYL­ENCE

Enhanced communication technologies offer wide-ranging opportunities and benefits but create a world where silence is becoming increasingly rare. In a new research project CYLENCE, Professor Mirbabaie and his colleagues from the TU Darmstadt, the University of Potsdam, and Virtimo AG focus on developing strategies and tools to report, detect and treat cyberbullying and hateful messages to improve its early detection. The project includes an…

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Re­cent pub­lic­a­tions – What im­pacts learn­ing ef­fect­ive­ness of a mo­bile learn­ing app fo­cused on first-year stu­dents?

Transitioning from school to university can be challenging as it requires first-year students to integrate into a new environment, organise themselves and deal with more responsibility. Presumably, lacking self-organisation and self-responsibility is connected to most premature dropouts occurring in this so-called “transition-in” phase. Considering these problems, there is a mobile app to tackle insufficient student experiences, support learning…

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Re­cent pub­lic­a­tions – Di­git­al Re­spons­ib­il­ity

While proliferating digital technologies provides new opportunities, it also comes with risks as technological development outpaces the corresponding regulatory changes. But, to avoid negative implications, information systems (IS) researchers must first understand the consequences of the digital transformation process to then contribute to its design. In this context, digital responsibility (DR) has the potential to mark a second wave of a…

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IN­NO4S Work­shop

Today’s INNO4S workshop provided the opportunity to discuss the status quo of the INNO4S project, develop new ideas, and thoroughly plan and map out the path for the future. In this project, Professor Mirbabaie, Marie Langer and their colleagues from the University of Münster and the University of Cologne seek to showcase how digital technologies can provide powerful innovations to overcome the central challenges of our time. To successfully…

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ECIS Award

The quality and validity of research depend on the work of reviewers. Hence, we are pleased to announce that the European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS) awarded Professor Mirbabaie the best reviewer award recognising him for his outstanding review work at the 31st ECIS in Kristiansand, Norway.

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Re­cent pub­lic­a­tions – The po­ten­tial of di­git­al nudging to bridge the gap between en­vir­on­ment­al at­ti­tude and be­ha­vi­or in the us­age of…

The attitude-behaviour gap depicts the disparity between individuals’ attitudes and behaviour regarding a problem. For instance, this phenomenon is prominent regarding energy consumption, where people often express concerns about sustainability but struggle to turn those into tangible actions. But narrowing this gap and reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions requires behavioural interventions since technological advances alone are…

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Re­cent pub­lic­a­tions – Friend or Foe? Con­ver­sa­tion­al agents in the di­git­al work­place and their ef­fect on user­s’ stress

Conversational agents ought to ease different facets of a user’s daily work life, function as stress relief, and in the long run, transform the digital workplace. Through enhanced persuasiveness, conversational agents can increase the user’s confidence in their abilities and create a less stressful work environment. However, applying conversational agents in the digital workplace might also have the opposite effect as negative consequences of…

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Re­cent pub­lic­a­tions – Re­com­mend­a­tions for man­aging AI-driv­en change pro­cesses: When ex­pect­a­tions meet real­ity

Artificial intelligence (AI) is often perceived as a disruptive technology that leads to uncertainties among employees and, eventually, fears of job loss arise. While many organisations have moved beyond the planning phase, it is crucial to shed light on the perception of AI to manage the employees’ attitudes towards it and to counteract possible resistance behaviour. To examine the perception of AI, Professor Mirbabaie and his colleagues…

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Re­cent pub­lic­a­tions - Neg­at­ive Word of Mouth On So­cial Me­dia: A Case Study of Deutsche Bahn’s Ac­count­ab­il­ity Man­age­ment

While social media allows businesses unprecedented levels of communication, those also come with risks, as constant negative Word-of-Mouth (NWOM) may jeopardise a corporate image and cause defensiveness in corporate communication. This paper presents a case study of the railway company Deutsche Bahn and how they communicate through Twitter. For this, Professor Mirbabaie and his co-authors analysed 36,757 Twitter postings using sentiment and…

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Re­cent pub­lic­a­tions - Home (Of­fice) is where your heart is

Digital nomadism had been exclusively related to entrepreneurs, freelancers, and gig workers. But recently, the working conditions of knowledge workers rapidly changed as corporate employees began to uncouple their work from stationary (home) offices and 9-to-5 schedules too. Still, this fundamentally differs from the original notion of digital nomadism. Therefore, in this paper, Professor Mirbabaie and his colleagues explore the work identity of…

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Re­cent pro­jects - Ana­lys­ing So­cial Me­dia Use dur­ing Nat­ur­al Haz­ards: Im­prov­ing Crisis Com­mu­nic­a­tion

Climate change increasingly affects countries around the globe, and urgency rises as natural disasters increase in frequency and severity. Therefore, crisis communication is crucial to provide the general public with information and recommendations to protect their safety. Besides traditional channels, social media is an increasingly popular tool for disseminating such information. Thus, in this project, Professor Mirbabaie, Jonas Rieskamp and…

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We are hir­ing!

Die Juniorprofessur für Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Digital Society sucht eine*n Wissenschaftliche*n Mitarbeiter*in (w/m/d).

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