Busi­ness in­form­a­tion sci­ent­ist Oliv­er Müller in the Frank­furter Allge­meine Zei­tung on the use of AI in elite sport

 |  Bereichsübergreifende ForschungForschung - Research

As part of a research project, Prof. Dr. Oliver Müller from the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics is working with Prof. Dr. Jochen Baumeister from Sports Science to investigate how the use of algorithms can minimize the risk of injury and improve athletes' performance. The researchers have also developed an AI that predicts goals.

This new interdisciplinary research project in cooperation with the handball Bundesliga team SG Flensburg-Handewitt is presented by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (F.A.Z.) in the article "How artificial intelligence is changing sport". The Paderborn scientists provide detailed information and Oliver Müller presents how the PIVOT neural network works.

You can find the whole FAZ article here hier.
