Con­fer­ence Pa­per “Quan­ti­fy­ing the Im­pact of Loc­a­tion Data for Real Es­tate Ap­prais­al – A GIS-based Deep Learn­ing Ap­proach” presen­ted at ECIS 2021

 |  AllgemeinesForschung - Research

The conference paper “Quantifying the Impact of Location Data for Real Estate Appraisal – A GIS-based Deep Learning Approach” (by Jan-Peter Kucklick, Jennifer Müller, Daniel Beverungen and Oliver Müller from Chair of Data Analytics and Business Information Systems) is presented at the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2021, held between the 14th and 16th of June, 2021. The paper focuses on comparing data from geographic information systems (GIS) and exterior images to quantify their value for real estate appraisal.

The paper is available here:


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Prof. Dr. Daniel Beverungen

Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Betriebliche Informationssysteme

Full Professor

Write email +49 5251 60-5600
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Dr. Jan-Peter Kucklick

Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Data Analytics

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Jennifer Priefer

Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Betriebliche Informationssysteme

Write email +49 5251 60-4515