Mes­sages (list vari­ant)

Present­a­tions at De­loitte Risk Ad­vis­ory in Düs­sel­dorf - Suc­cess­ful con­clu­sion of the bank­ing sem­in­ar

 |  Lehre

On 30.06.2023, the participating students of the Master's module "Seminar on Banking" were guests at Deloitte Risk Advisory in Düsseldorf together with Prof. Dr. André Uhde and Ms. Simone Voigt as a research assistant of the professorship.

During the semester, the seminar students worked in small groups on a selection of projects already carried out in practice in the field of "Risk Management and Regulation of Banks". They received methodological and conceptual support from Prof. Uhde and Ms. Voigt in regular interim meetings at Paderborn University.

The results of the project implementation were finally presented and discussed by the students at Deloitte Risk Advisory in Düsseldorf in front of a selection of practitioners. During a joint lunch followed by a visit to the roof terrace, the students had ample opportunity to talk to the practice representatives and find out about internships or a possible career start. The seminar concluded with a presentation by Dr. Christian Farruggio (Director Risk Advisory at Deloitte), in which he provided valuable insights into the current consulting business, among other things.

The Chair of Banking and Finance would like to thank Deloitte for their excellent support and successful cooperation, which will be continued in the coming summer semesters.

Presentations at the Deloitte Risk Advisory in Düsseldorf


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Prof. Dr. André Uhde

Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Bank- und Finanzwirtschaft

Write email +49 5251 60-5650
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Simone Voigt

Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Bank- und Finanzwirtschaft

Write email +49 5251 60-2928