News from our pro­fess­or­ship

News - re­search, present­a­tions, teach­ing and gen­er­al in­form­a­tion

72nd "Deutscher Be­trieb­swirtschafter-Tag" or­gan­ized by Sch­malen­bach-Found­a­tion at Düs­sel­dorf, Ger­many

Each year, the Schmalenbach-Foundation organizes the "Deutscher Betriebswirtschafter-Tag" at Düsseldorf. This year the event takes place at 26th and 27th September, 2018 and has the main focus on topics addressing management facing market dynamics, innovation and increasing regulations. The thematic areas range from Best Practice in management in respect of fast-changing markets and the era of Energy Transition, challenges for Accounting and…

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Niemann, Rainer, Sureth-Sloane, Caren (2019): Investment Timing Effects of Wealth Taxes under Uncertainty and Irreversibility, Journal of Business Economics, 89 (4), 385-415, doi: 10.1007/s11573-018-0918-4 [open access].

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On September 10th, 2018, Caren Sureth-Sloane gives a presentation on "Tax Complexity across Countries – Evidence from a Global Survey" at the 1st DIBT-Alumni Reunion at Vienna University of Economics and Business in Austria.

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On September 10th, 2018, Regina Ortmann gives a presentation on "Management Incentives for Optimal Investment Decisions under Formula Apportionment" at the 1st DIBT-Alumni Reunion at Vienna University of Economics and Business in Austria.

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Hoppe, Thomas, Schanz, Deborah, Sturm, Susann, Sureth-Sloane, Caren (2018): What are the Drivers of Tax Complexity for MNCs? Global Evidence, Intertax, 46 (8/9), 654-675.

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Each term the Schmalenbach Foundation and the Carl Lueg Foundation grant  scholarships for master students in business administration and economics studies in German-speaking countries. In addition to the candidates’ expertise and academic performance, the assessment factors further include own initiative and responsibility. This year our colleague Yuri Piper received the Schmalenbach Scholarship. We sincerely congratulate him and are very…

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On July 16th, 2018 Benjamin Oßwald from Wisconsin School of Business at UW Madison presents at the TAF Young Researcher Seminar on the topic "Corporate Tax Planning and Information Environment". The presentation starts at 2 p.m. in room Q5.245.

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On July 13th, 2018 Benjamin Oßwald presents at the arqus meeting in Paderborn, Germany on the topic "Corporate Tax Planning and Information Environment". 

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