News from our pro­fess­or­ship

News - re­search, present­a­tions, teach­ing and gen­er­al in­form­a­tion

On December 08th, 2021, Henning Giese successfully defended his dissertation "The Effect of Management Structure and Manager Liability on Tax Avoidance" at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and, thus, successfully completed his Ph.D.. We congratulate Henning Giese and wish him all the best for the future. Congratulations!

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On December 9th, 2021, Daniel Dyck gives a guest lecture on "Management Compensation" at the seminar on Compensation Management in the bachelor's degree program Socioeconomics of the University of Hamburg.

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The poster “Investment Effects of Taxation ‐ Changes in Transfer Pricing Regulations and Corporate Investment Decisions”, presenting Reyhaneh Safaei’s research in the field of the collaborate research center TRR 266 „Accounting for Transparency“ has been awarded.

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On Friday, November 12, 2021, the University of Graz awarded Professor Dr. Caren Sureth-Sloane the title of Doctor Honoris Causa, after previous approval of the University Senate. The award, presented by Rector Martin Polaschek – following the suggestion of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences –  is in recognition of her outstanding scientific achievements in the field of accounting and her close cooperation with the University…

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On November 12th, 2021, Prof. Dr. Caren Sureth-Sloane gives a presentation on "Steuerwirkungen in Zeiten des Wandels – Methoden, Befunde und Entwicklungslinien" at the symposium of the Center for Accounting Research at the University of Graz, Austria.

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On November 11th, 2021, Daniel Dyck gives a presentation on "How does Tax Controversy Expertise affect Tax Disputes between Firms and Tax Authorities?" at the DART Research Workshop at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences of the University of Graz, Austria.

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On November 10th, 2021, Prof. Dr. Caren Sureth-Sloane gives a presentation on "Firms´ Tax (Burden) Misperception" at the Doctoral Colloquium & Research Seminar 2 at the University of Graz, Austria.

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On Friday, October 22nd, 2021, Markus Kamann from the Zeus Beteiligungs- und Beratungs-GmbH gives a presentation on the Lehrfabrik Möbel eG, which serves as a center of excellence for education and training in the furniture industry. The Lehrfabrik Möbel presented in the expert lecture was examined in the winter semester 2020/2021 as part of the module Legal Form of the Firm and Tax Planning in the form of a case study, in which both civil law…

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