Na­chricht­en - Forschung / Vorträge

Stephan Al­berternst, ar­qus-Ta­gung Bayreuth

Sa. 05. Juli 2014, 10:15, Plenumvortrag: The effect of taxes on corporate financing decisions - evidence from the German interest barrier

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Basti­an Brink­mann, ar­qus Ta­gung Bayreuth

Fr. 04. Juli 2014, 09:00, Plenumvortrag: Tax Planning Strategies and Firm Value

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Prof. Dr. Car­en Sureth, VHB Jahresta­gung Leipzig

Fr. 13. Juni 2014, 09:00, Vortrag "Can Tax Rate Increases Foster Investment under Entry and Exit Flexibility? - Insights from an Economic Experiment"

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Korte­busch, Pia, VHB-Ta­gung Leipzig

Fr. 13. Juni 2014, 09:00, Vortrag: Is legal certainty for taxpayers desirable? A tax authorities' view on advance tax rulings.

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Can the CCCTB Alleviate Discrimination Against Loss-Making European Multinational Groups?, WU International Taxation Research Paper Series No. 2014 - 08, and arqus, Quantitative Research in Taxation, Discussion Paper No. 165.

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Do Investors Request Advance Tax Rulings to Alleviate Tax Risk (and Do Tax Authorities Provide them)? A Joint Taxpayers’ and Tax Authorities’ View on Investment Behavior, WU International Taxation Research Paper Series No. 2014 - 06, and arqus, Quantitative Research in Taxation, Discussion Paper No. 167.

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Can Tax Rate Increases Foster Investment Under Entry and Exit Flexibility? - Insights from an Economic Experiment, WU International Taxation Research Paper Series No. 2014 - 05, and arqus, Quantitative Research in Taxation, Discussion Paper No. 166.

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Do., 22. Mai 2014, 11:00, Vortrag: Does uncertainty about the weights on the apportionement factors lower groups' expectations about the after-tax corporate income?

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