Na­chricht­en - Forschung / Vorträge

On January, 29th, 2019, Prof. Dr. Jochen Hundsdoerfer presents at the TAF Research Seminar on the topic "Corporate Taxes and Firms‘ Cost Behavior: The Role of Conforming Tax Planning". 

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On January 14th, 2019, Prof. Dr. Martin Jacob presents at the TAF Research Seminar on the topic "What Shapes Corporate Tax Policy?". 

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On December 18th, 2018, Prof. Dr. Alastair Lawrence presents at the TAF Research Seminar on the topic "Measurement Error in Dependent Variables".

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Osswald, Benjamin (2018): Corporate Tax Planning and Firms' Information Environment, arqus, Quantitative Research in Taxation, Discussion Paper No. 236,, and SSRN Working Paper No. 3297419, and TAF Working Paper No. 41, available at SSRN: 

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Osswald, Benjamin, Sureth-Sloane, Caren (2018): Do Country Risk Factors Attenuate the Effect of Taxes on Corporate Risk-Taking?, WU International Taxation Research Paper Series No. 2018-09, arqus, Quantitative Research in Taxation, Discussion Paper No. 235,, and SSRN Working Paper No. 3297418, and TAF Working Paper No. 40, available at SSRN:

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On December 6th, 2018, Caren Sureth-Sloane gives a presentation on "Accounting for Transparency: Transparenz bei Steuerdaten: German Business Panel" at the Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V. (BDI) in Brussels, Belgium.

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On November 15th, 2018 Thomas Hoppe presents at the Faculty Research Workshop at the University of Paderborn on the topic "The Relation between Tax Complexity and Foreign Direct Investments: Evidence Across Countries".

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On November 15th Reyhaneh Safaei presents at the Faculty Research Workshop at the University of Paderborn on the topic "Transfer Pricing Risk and Economic Activity of Firms".

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