Na­chricht­en - Forschung / Vorträge

TRR 266 Brown Bag Sem­in­ar Man­nheim: Pia Stoczek

Presentation at the TRR 266 Brown Bag Seminar Mannheim

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Yuri Piper received the Best Discussant Award at this year's TRR 266 Accounting Research Camp on Transparency In Corporations and markets (ARCTIC) in Fügen (Austria) for the discussion of the paper "Corporate Voluntary Disclosure and Competitive Threats" by Benjamin Tödtmann (University of Mannheim).

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On March 16th, 2024, Yuri Piper gives a presentation on "Preferences for Taxing Wealth and Income" at the Accounting Research Camp on Transparency In Corporations and markets (ARCTIC) in Fügen, Austria.

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On March 16th, 2024, Kim Alina Schulz gives a presentation on "Tax Reforms and Firms’ Demand for Tax Talents" at the Accounting Research Camp on Transparency In Corporations and markets (ARCTIC) in Fügen, Austria.

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On February 23th, 2024, Henning Giese discusses the working paper „Carbon Leakage to Developing Countries“ by Diego Känzig, Julian Marenz und Marcel Olbert at the 36th Annual American Taxation Association (ATA) Midyear Meeting, Long Beach (LA), USA.

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Schön, Lena, Graßl, Benjamin, Giese, Henning (2024): Die Kriterien und Zusammensetzung der EU-Blacklist als Grundlage des Steueroasen-Abwehrgesetzes – Eine kritische Würdigung, Steuer und Wirtschaft, 71–92.

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TRR 266/TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Pia Stoczek: "That’s (in)cred­ible: Dis­clos­ure on green bond seg­ments"

As part of the TRR 266/TAF Brown Bag Seminar, Pia Stoczek gave a presentation on January 16, 2024, on the topic "That’s (in)credible: Disclosure on green bond segments".

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TRR 266/TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Karina Körösi

As part of the TRR 266/TAF Brown Bag Seminar, which took place on 09th January 2024, Karina Körösi, a PhD student at HU Berlin presented a paper with the title "Misperception and preferences for ‘fair’ income taxation: The role of income tax burden representation". Karina's research explored the complex relationship between income tax misperception and preferences for 'fair' taxation, shedding light on the crucial role of income tax burden…

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