TRR 266/TAF Re­search Sem­in­ar: Bank Rep­res­ent­at­ives on the Board of Dir­ect­ors and their In­flu­ence on Risk and Ma­na­geri­al Com­pens­a­tion, Dr. Kat­rin Weiskirch­ner-Mer­ten, Vi­enna Uni­ver­sity of Eco­nom­ics and Busi­ness, Vi­enna, Aus­tria

 |  TAF Research SeminarForschung - Research

On January 14th, 2020, Dr. Katrin Weiskirchner-Merten presents at the TAF Research Seminar on the topic "Bank Representatives on the Board of Directors and their Influence on Risk and Managerial Compensation".

The seminar takes place in room Q5.245 from 2-4 p.m.