Present­a­tion: Yuchen Wu, Does trust lead to sweet­heart deals in tax bar­gain­ing, WU Glob­al Tax Policy Con­fer­ence on "Co-op­er­at­ive Com­pli­ance: To­wards Im­proved Tax Cer­tainty", Vi­enna Uni­ver­sity of Eco­nom­ics and Busi­ness, Vi­enna, Aus­tria.

 |  Forschung - Research

On December 16th and 17th, 2019, the WU Global Tax Policy Conference on "Co-operative Compliance: Towards Improved Tax Certainty" takes place at the Vienna University of Economics and Business in Vienna, Austria. At this event, Yuchen Wu gives a presentation on "Does trust lead to sweetheart deals in tax bargaining".