Present­a­tion: Re­gina Ort­mann, Man­age­ment In­cent­ives for Op­tim­al In­vest­ment De­cisions un­der For­mula Ap­por­tion­ment, 1st DIBT-Alumni Re­union, Vi­enna Uni­ver­sity of Eco­nom­ics and Busi­ness, Aus­tria

 |  VeranstaltungenForschungsvortragNachrichten ProfessurenPräsentationenForschung - Research

On September 10th, 2018, Regina Ortmann gives a presentation on "Management Incentives for Optimal Investment Decisions under Formula Apportionment" at the 1st DIBT-Alumni Reunion at Vienna University of Economics and Business in Austria.