
Va­cancy as SHK or WHB as of 01.06.24

How do certain employee behaviors emerge in organizations? How can the effects of organizational characteristics or measures on employee behavior be assessed? Are you interested in these questions? Then apply to us now as an SHK or WHB and support us in our research in the areas of teamwork, organizational identity and human-machine interaction!

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We are happy to announce that the paper "Humans in XAI: Increased Reliance in Decision-Making Under Uncertainty by Using Explanation Strategies", authored by Olesja Lammert, Birte Richter, Christian Schütze, Kirsten Thommes and Britta Wrede, has been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Behavioral Economics!

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This year's teaching award of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics goes to Prof. Dr. Kirsten Thommes for the bachelor module Organizational Behavior!

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