The increased use of renewable energies promotes decarbonization and raises the load on power distribution networks, forcing responsible distribution network operators to re-evaluate and re-design their networks. In this study, we focus on infrastructural decomposition, where the distribution network is decomposed into multiple parts and planning problems, which are then optimized separately. Based on empirical requirements from literature and…
Am Lehrstuhl von Prof. Dr. Guido Schryen (Management Information Systems and Operations Research), ist eine Stelle als Studentische oder Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (SHK/WHB) zu besetzen. Alle Details finden sich auf unserer Homepage unter Job Offers oder in diesem PDF.
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Image (University of Paderborn, Johanna Pietsch): At the kick-off event in the Y-building of the University of Paderborn, the consortium partners of the research project "Re²Pli" started their work in mid-August.
Bereichsübergreifende Forschung,
Interdisziplinäre Forschung,
Forschung - Research
As part of the Re²Pli project, the Chair of Management Information Systems & Operations Research will be involved in researching and developing a decision support system for ecologically and economically efficient operation of inductive press hardening lines.
The focus is on scheduling of manufacturing processes in dependence with energy costs and availability from regenerative sources.
Members of the MISOR research group were invited to present their latest research at the EURO 2022 conference held in Espoo, Finland. The following three projects were presented:
1. Dynamic taxi-ridesharing with meeting points by Peter Dieter, Miriam Stumpe, Guido Schryen
Increasing urbanization and the associated growth in traffic volumes make innovative mobility concepts increasingly important. Most traditional mobility solutions center…