
Mo­re su­staina­bi­li­ty in the au­to­mo­ti­ve in­dus­try: Start of re­sea­rch pro­ject at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Pa­der­born

 |  ProjekteBereichsübergreifende ForschungInterdisziplinäre ForschungForschung - Research

As part of the Re²Pli project, the Chair of Management Information Systems & Operations Research will be involved in researching and developing a decision support system for ecologically and economically efficient operation of inductive press hardening lines.

The focus is on scheduling of manufacturing processes in dependence with energy costs and availability from regenerative sources.

More information on the project can be found on the project website or in the german press release.

Image (University of Paderborn, Johanna Pietsch): At the kick-off event in the Y-building of the University of Paderborn, the consortium partners of the research project "Re²Pli" started their work in mid-August.
