The article "Designing taxi ridesharing systems with shared pick-up and drop-off locations: Insights from a computational study" by Miriam Stumpe, Peter Dieter, Guido Schryen, OIiver Müller, and Daniel Beverungen was accepted for publication in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (Elsevier).
Taxi ridesharing (TRS) systems are considered one means towards more sustainable transportation by increasing car occupancy rates…
The article "Speedup and Efficiency of Computational Parallelization: A Unifying Approach and Asymptotic Analysis" by Guido Schryen was accepted for publication in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.
In high performance computing environments, we observe an ongoing increase in the available number of cores. For example, the current TOP500 list reveals that nine clusters have more than 1 million cores. This development calls…