Software Innovation Campus startet studienbegleitendes Zusatzprogramm für engagierte Studierende
Im kommenden Wintersemester startet der SICP – Software Innovation Campus Paderborn an der Universität Paderborn das SICP Digital Talents Program. Bei dem studienbegleitenden Zusatzprogramm handelt es sich um eine zum Stu-dium komplementäre, praxisnahe Weiterbildung für besonders engagierte Stu-dierende. Das Programm richtet sich zunächst an…
The transition from traditional fuel-based bus transportation towards electric bus systems is regarded as a beacon of hope for emission-free public transport. In this study, we focus on battery electric bus systems, in which charging is possible at a variety of locations distributed at terminal stations over the entire bus network. In such systems, two intertwined planning problems to be considered are charging location planning and electric…
In the aftermath of large-scale disasters, the exploitation of often up to thousands of spontaneous volunteers is crucial to meet the need for surge capacity which cannot be met by professional relief organizations. In our study, we suggest a mathematical decision support model for the coordination of spontaneous volunteers and computationally validate the model in extensive experiments based on real-world data of a flood disaster. Our study…
Preisverleihung des GOR-Bachelorpreises an Herrn Till Rogalski (v. l. oben n. r. unten).Till Rogalski, Prof. Dr. Guido Schryen, Sascha Burmeister M.Sc.
On March 30, 2021 Till Rogalski was awarded the Bachelor Prize of the Gesellschaft für Operations Research (GOR) e.V (OR Society, Germany) for special academic achievements in the field of Operations Research. The prize was awarded to him by the GOR for his excellent bachelor thesis on the topic "Optimization of electrical power distribution networks with a reactive tabu search heuristic". For his thesis at the chair of Prof. Schryen, he…
The Workshop Paper „Towards a Decision Support System for Cross-Sectoral Energy Distribution Network Planning“ (by Jonas Kirchhoff, Sascha Burmeister, Christoph Weskamp and Gregor Engels) was accepted for the 16th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik 2021 (WI) which will be held online from March 9 – 11, 2021. The paper will be part of the track Energy Informatics and Electro Mobility ICT. The paper is available here: https://ris.un…