In­sights in­to our sus­tain­ab­il­ity activ­it­ies

Liv­ing in­ter­dis­cip­lin­ar­ity at PAR­SEC - stu­dents dis­cuss cur­rent re­search con­tri­bu­tions on sus­tain­ab­il­ity in a new sem­in­ar format

 |  TeachingPaderborn Research Center for Sustainable Economy (PARSEC)

In a new seminar format at the Paderborn Research Centre for Sustainable Economy (PARSEC) under the direction of Prof. Dr Martin Kesternich and Prof. Dr Simon Trang, Bachelor students from the fields of economics and business informatics critically examined and discussed current research contributions in the field of sustainable consumer behaviour. In the "Fostering Sustainability" seminar, the students benefited from the mutual exchange of both the respective subject-specific considerations and the conceptual overlaps between the various disciplines within economics. The seminar focused in particular on the role of behavioural economic interventions in digital applications to increase sustainable consumer behaviour in the areas of housing and mobility. Many thanks to all seminar participants for their committed contributions to the discussion.