A warm welcome ...

at the Chair of Business Education II, Business Education and Evaluation Research, held by Prof Dr Marc Beutner.

On the following pages you will find all the important information about our national and international research projects, our practical collaborations, the courses currently offered and final theses at our chair, including suitable topic suggestions.

You are welcome to contact the chair team with your questions at any time.


Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner

Vocational training is close to my heart. Theory and practice as well as research and teaching must be related to each other.

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Dr. rer. medic. Ilona Petsch, M.A.

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Dr. rer. pol. Jennifer Nicole Schneider

Equal opportunity education is essential to meet the challenges of the digital transformation process and to effectively utilize the economic opportunities of the free market!

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Sebastian Niklas Koppius

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Helene Maja Lindenthal

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Saskia Happ, M.Ed.

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Vera Kreutzheide

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Jan-Phillip Lüttke

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