News from the Chair of Mi­croe­co­nom­ics

Here you can find news from the Chair of Microeconomics.


Seems unbelievable but we have yet another birthday to celebrate and thus would like to introduce our research assistant Papatya Duman. She has been working at the Chair of Microeconomics since May 2018 and is mainly responsible for the course 'Advanced Game Theory'. Let's get to know her: I decided to work at the Chair of Microeconomics because... ...I felt that my colleagues would be good friends of mine. And, I was not mistaken. In a…

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In order to continue with our tradition, we will have his birthday as an occasion to introduce our student assistant Alexander Koch: Let's get to know him: I decided to work at the Chair of Microeconomics because… I was really interested in Microeconomics after my third semester, attending a module in that area. Then I decided to apply for a job at the Chair to get a closer insight into the topics. In a typical day at work, my main tasks…

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This time we do not have yet another birthday child to introduce but instead one of our tutors who has already been employed at the Chair of Microeconomics since 2017. Let's get to know Lara Braun: I decided to work at the Chair of Microeconomics because… … I like the content the Chair works with. At the latest, when I attended the course Game Theory in my bachelor studies, I realized that I wanted to focus on microeconomics. It was a great…

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