De­part­ment Bar­be­cue of De­part­ment 4: Eco­nom­ics of the Fac­ulty of Busi­ness Ad­min­is­tra­tion and Eco­nom­ics

On June 25, 2024, the annual department barbecue of Department 4: Economics of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics will take place, to which all staff and students of the department are warmly invited. This event offers an excellent opportunity to get to know each other and exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere.

Event Details:

Date: June 25, 2024
Time: From 6:00 PM
Location: AStA Statdcampus event space (6th floor), Königsplatz 1, 33098 Paderborn

The barbecue includes a selection of sausages (pork and vegan) as well as various snacks. Beverages will also be plentiful.

This event serves as an opportunity to make new contacts, have interesting conversations, and strengthen the community of the department outside of everyday life. Look forward to an evening full of good conversations and delicious food.

We hope for a large turnout and a wonderful evening with all participants!