Mes­sages (list vari­ant)

Prac­tic­al lec­ture in mod­ule TX4 Trans­fer Taxes: Dr Chris­toph Götz: Real Es­tate Trans­fer Tax, Rödl & Part­ner, Part­ner and Tax Con­sult­ant

Ort: Q5.245
Veranstalter: Universität Paderborn

We cordially invite you to an exciting practical lecture in module TX4 Transfer Taxes. On 17 July 2024 at 9 a.m. in room Q5.245, Dr Christoph Götz, partner and tax consultant in the field of structuring tax advice, international tax law and M&A tax at Rödl & Partner in Munich, will give a lecture on the topic of real estate transfer tax.

Dr Christoph Götz will provide interesting insights into current developments and practical challenges in the area of real estate transfer tax.

We look forward to your participation and a lively exchange!