Every Year Nürnberger Steuergespräche e.V. awards a prize for the best scientific work which is donated by DATEV eG. Work is being honored which combines aspects of tax consulting and information processing in a particularly impressive way, dealing with tax design consultancy, business consulting, professional policy questions, accounting, controlling or software solutions for the tax advisory professions, financial administration and financial…
Niemann, Rainer, Sureth-Sloane, Caren (2015): Investment Effects of Wealth Taxes under Uncertainty and Irreversibility, WU International Taxation Research Paper Series, No. 2015 - 24, arqus, Quantitative Research in Taxation, Discussion Paper No. 192, www.arqus.info, TAF Working Paper No. 12, and SSRN Working Paper No. 2685104 and CESifo WP No. 5610.
On the occasion of the Day of German Unity tax expert Prof. Dr. Caren Sureth-Sloane classifies the debates on the solidarity surcharge
On Saturday, October 3, 2015, Germany celebrates 25 years of German Unity. Since the beginning of the year politicians discuss about the repeal of the solidarity surcharge. Prof. Dr. Caren Sureth-Sloane, tax expert at University of Paderborn, explains why a special tax on the construction of the East has been…
24. September 2015, 09:00: Prof. Dr. Caren Sureth-Sloane leitet die Sitzung im Fachprogramm Steuern "Regulierung im Steuerrecht als Antwort auf Steuergestaltung" beim 68. Deutschen Betriebswirtschafter-Tag der Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft in Düsseldorf
18. September 2015, 12:15: Vortrag: "CCCTB or Separate Accounting? Tax-induced distortions of multinationals' locational decisions" auf dem Fakultätsworkshop Wirtschaftswissenschaften