On February 3, 2017 Benjamin Oßwald gives a lecture on “Corporate Tax Avoidance and IP Boxes” at Brown Bag Seminar of the Accounting Department at Madison University, Wisconsin, USA.
The 3-year interdisciplinary doctoral program for international corporate taxation with the participation of Prof. Dr. Caren Sureth-Sloane at Vienna University of Economics and Business is held in English and is directed at students with high qualifications who work on this research field at the interface between business taxation, accounting, finance and international tax law to achieve an excellent interdisciplinary education. A scholarship can…
On November, 2016, Thomas Hoppe gives a lecture on “Towards the Measurement of Tax Complexity: Experts’ Perceptions from 108 Countries” at the Faculty Research Workshop at University of Paderborn.
On October 20, 2016, at 9 am, Thomas Hoppe discusses the “Capital Market Reaction to Tax Avoidance: Evidence from LuxLeaks” at the 3rd Doctoral Research Seminar at Vienna University of Economics and Business.
Am 20. Oktober 2016 hält Tobias Bornemann seinen Vortrag Tax Avoidance and Accounting Conservatism, auf der 3rd Vienna Ph.D. Seminar in International Business Taxation an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien.
Oßwald, Benjamin: Discussion of the article: Towards the Measurement of Tax Complexity: Experts’ Perceptions from 108 Countries from Thomas Hoppe, Deborah Schanz, Susann Sturm and Caren Sureth-Sloane, 3rd Doctoral Research Seminar at Vienna University of Economics and Business, WU Wien.
Oßwald, Benjamin / Bornemann Tobias: Corporate Tax Avoidance and IP Boxes, 3rd Doctoral Research Seminar at Vienna University of Economics and Business, WU Wien.
Die neue 7. Auflage des Lehrbuches "Besteuerung und Rechtsformwahl" ist ab sofort verfügbar.
Das Buch beschäftigt sich im Besonderen mit den steuerlichen Konsequenzen die aus der Wahl einer Personen- oder Kapitalgesellschaften bzw. einer Mischformen hervorgehen. Dabei wird sowohl auf die Gründung bzw. Umwandlung eingegangen, als auch die Unterschiede in der laufenden Besteuerung berücksichtigt. Dabei werden die rechtlichen Grundlagen erläutert…