In­form­a­tion event | Fi­nal theses at the tax pro­fess­or­ships sum­mer semester 2025

Location: Q5.245

Dear students,

Some of you will be writing a thesis in the coming semester and would like to be supervised by one of the two tax professorships (Sureth-Sloane or Müller). The registration phase for the centralised allocation procedure, in which our professorships also participate, will start shortly. We would therefore like to invite you to an information event in which we will provide you with information about our professorships, the potential subject areas and the supervision concepts. We will then take the time to answer any questions you may have.

The event will take place on Thursday, 16 January 2025 at 13:30 (s.t.) in room Q5.245. You should allow about 45 minutes for the event.

We appreciate your interest and look forward to your participation.

The slides from the information event can be found here.