New Course in Sum­mer Semester 2022: Di­git­al­iz­a­tion in Tax­a­tion and Ac­count­ing

 |  Lehre

In the upcoming summer semester, Assistant Professor Elisa Casi-Eberhard and Professor Sönke Sievers will offer a new cooperation module called „Digitalization in Taxation and Accounting“ (5 ECTS). This module is aimed at students in the Taxation, Accounting and Finance Master's programme.

In this module, technological developments as well as legal and institutional framework conditions are critically analysed from a tax and accounting perspective in the context of an increasingly digitalised and automated business world. The focus is not only on imparting theoretical knowledge, but also on learning about concrete business practices and challenges. To ensure this balance, there will be several presentations by international guest speakers from outside academia who will share their insights from the perspective of the private sector or public authorities.

A part of the module will likely involve working with the programming language Python. However, no previous knowledge of Python is required. Further information can be found in the module catalogue: