
TAF Re­search Sem­in­ar: Erik Peek, Rot­ter­dam School of Man­age­ment

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TAF Research Seminar, Erik Peek

Am 10. Dezember 2019 hielt Erik Peek (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University) im Rahmen des TAF Research Seminars im Raum Q5.245 einen Vortrag zum Thema:

„The Dynamics of Financial Reporting Credibility Perceptions: IPO Firms’ Reputation Development through Passive Affiliations“.


Erik Peeks Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen in den Bereichen Finanzanalyse, Bilanzierung und Bewertung, Ergebnisprognose und internationale Rechnungslegung. Seine Arbeiten wurden unter anderem im Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, Journal of International Accounting Research und European Accounting Review veröffentlicht. Weiterhin ist er Mitautor des Lehrbuchs Business Analysis and Valuation: IFRS Edition.

Erik Peek ist derzeit Professor für Business Analysis and Valuation an der Rotterdam School of Management. Zuvor war er als außerordentlicher Professor an der Universität Maastricht (Niederlande) tätig. Darüber hinaus war er Gastdozent an der Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (USA). Er promovierte 2001 an der VU University Amsterdam (Niederlande) und ist seit 2002 Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).



As part of the TAF Resarch Seminar, Erik Peek from the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (the Netherlands) will hold a presentation on December 10, 2019.

Erik Peek's research focuses on financial analysis, accounting and valuation, earnings forecasting and international financial accounting. His work has been published in major academic journals including the Contemporary Accounting Research, the Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, the Journal of International Accounting Research, and the European Accounting Review. He is also a co-author of the textbook Business Analysis and Valuation: IFRS Edition.

Erik Peek is a Professor of Business Analysis and Valuation at the Rotterdam School of Management. Previously, he was an associate professor at the University of Maastricht (the Netherlands). He was also a visiting associate professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (USA). In 2001, he received his doctorate from VU University Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and has been a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) since 2002.

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