Awards for doc­tor­al theses

 |  Allgemeines

The Chamber of Tax Advisors in Nürnberg (Germany) has a long tradition of awarding excellent doctoral theses that link academic research and practice. At this year’s jubilee celebration, the 50th Professionals’ Day ('50. Fachtag'), four young researchers obtained an award for their doctoral thesis. Dr. Vanessa Flagmeier (supervised by prof. dr. Jens Müller) obtained the award for her thesis 'Financial Statements’ Tax Disclosure – Management Incentives and Usefulness'. Dr. Saskia Kohlhase (supervised by prof. dr. Urska Kosi) obtained the award for her thesis 'Studies on Financial Reporting and Taxation'. Since dr. Vanessa Flagmeier is currently on a research visit at the University of North Carolina (US), prof. Kosi collected her award. Other two award winners are dr. Ina Meier and dr. Steffi Haag. Congratulations to all award winners! This is a remarkable achievement for the University of Paderborn. A short report about the awards can be found here.