Ak­tu­el­les der Pro­fes­sur für Mi­kro­öko­no­mie

Hier finden Sie Aktuelles aus der Professur für Mikroökonomie.


Cour­ses in the sum­mer se­mes­ter 2020

The courses at the Chair of Microeconomics will take place online in the summer semester 2020. Further information can be found on Panda. Moreover, there are still available seats in the Bachelor course “Matching in Practice”. If you would like to register, please write an email to britta.hoyer@upb.de. Die Kurse am Lehrstuhl für Mikroökonomie werden im Sommersemester 2020 digital stattfinden. Weitere Informationen hierzu werden auf Panda…

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Due to the coronavirus and precautionary measures of the university all employees of the chair are currently working from home. For any request, please send an email to the respective contact person.

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Sign up for "Advanced Game Theory" and "Matching in Practice"!

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