Mem­ber In­tro­duc­ti­on: La­ra Braun


This time we do not have yet another birthday child to introduce but instead one of our tutors who has already been employed at the Chair of Microeconomics since 2017.

Let's get to know Lara Braun:

I decided to work at the Chair of Microeconomics because…
… I like the content the Chair works with. At the latest, when I attended the course Game Theory in my bachelor studies, I realized that I wanted to focus on microeconomics. It was a great opportunity to deal with the topic outside of my own studies when I started to work as a tutor for Microeconomics and being able to consolidate existing knowledge at the same time.

In a typical day at work, my main tasks are…
… preparing tutorials. Usually, it is designing blackboard pictures or preparing overhead slides, but nowadays it is preparing slides for the videos, recording these videos and check them for correctness and completeness in the context of quality management. In addition, we try to integrate exercises that are discussed as best as we can into the theoretical but also practical context, so that there is little room for questions that remain unanswered. But if there are still open questions, it is also one of the tutor's tasks to answer these in the online forum.

With respect to research, my main interests include…
… matching theory and fair division problems.

What turned out to be the most difficult for me since working from home…
… is especially the lack of feedback. The transition from a tutorial as we know it to online lessons is quite enormous. Normally, such a tutorial thrives on the interaction between the tutor and the students. These days, we record the learning material as a video (what can drive one crazy…:)) and try to answer all the questions that might arise during such an exercise lesson in advance. The difficult thing is that we don't know which questions are appearing in the minds of students and cannot resolve them in direct interaction.

My most special experience since being part of our team is…
… the great togetherness. The feeling that everyone is supporting each other.

In the future, I would like to achieve/work on…
… something having value for the community. What that will be, we will see in the future.

Last but not least, my favourite sports club, movie/series, travel destination is…

Sports Club: Even if I am not a fan, I sympathize with Borussia Dortmund and the SCP 07

Series: Suits and Breaking Bad

Travel destination: Australia, especially the Atherton Tablelands. Beautiful waterfalls, rainforest, mountains, great lakes and in general a more than beautiful landscape not far away from the Great Barrier Reef, which lets you forget about all stress and trouble but reminds you to enjoy life and nature instead :)