Vor­trag am In­sti­tu­te for the World Eco­no­my & IN­ET Young Schol­ars In­itia­ti­ve

 |  Forschung - Research

Eugen Dimant (M.Sc.) hielt am Freitag, den 28.08.2015, einen Vortrag zum Thema "On peer effects: Behavioral contagion of (un)ethical behavior" am Institute for the World Economy & INET Young Scholars Initiative in Kiel im Rahmen des <link http: sbrcr2015.com>Social and Biological Roots of Cooperation and Risk Taking Workshop (SBRCR 2015). Hauptredner waren Giorgio Coricelli (University of Southern California), Herbert Gintis (Santa Fe Institute), Uri Gneezy (University of California San Diego), Rosemarie Nagel (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) und Arno Riedl (Masstrich University).