Ak­tu­el­les der Pro­fes­sur für In­ter­na­ti­o­nal Ma­nage­ment

On July 10th, the final pitch event for the International Comparative Management course took place. A total of 25 students showcased their internationalization strategies for two Paderborn-based start-ups: coolnis and UFUNDI.  The event was a resounding success, with the founders of coolnis and UFUNDI expressing their excitement and appreciation for the students' innovative ideas and thorough research. The students themselves were equally…

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In June, Sylvia Hubner-Benz attended the Babson College conference in Munich. She presented a paper on entrepreneurial visions in the exit process, which is co-authored with Jasper Brinkerink and Michele Pinelli. Reconnecting with colleagues and making new connections in the entrepreneurship community was fantastic. Looking forward to the next conference!

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In­spi­ring vi­sit by Mi­cha­el Fre­se

We were honored to host Michael Frese at the Professorship of International Management at Universität Paderborn. Michael delivered an inspiring talk on the potential of entrepreneurship research in Africa, highlighting methodological advantages such as reduced selection biases and sharing insights from his extensive longitudinal and experimental studies. He also participated in insightful discussions with our faculty members. We gained…

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