Guest lec­ture in MAD mod­ule: PreZero ac­quires Budde

 |  Lehre

In module "Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestures" (TAF Master program), we hosted Armin Budde (former managing director of Budde GmbH & Co. KG), Sven Nuener (chief strategy officer PreZero Stiftung GmbH & Co. KG), Martin Westhoff (tax consultant and partner at Horstbrink & Partner) and Dr. Andreas Börger (lawyer, tax consultant and partner at HLB Stückmann). They prepared a very interesting guest lecture and explained how PreZero acquired Budde GmbH & Co. KG in 2022. Our guests gave a lot of practical and personal insights into the acquisition process and we could directly connect them to the topics covered in the lectures. Moreover, both companies come for the waste management industry which plays an important role in the sustainability transition of our economy.

A big thanks to our guests!